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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Round 2 Day 5

posted: January 22, 2010 • Categories: Slashing Spending

While we’ve had some fun presenting you with the wasteful spending habits of the current members of our legislature, more importantly we’ve had our eyes opened even more towards the dangerous road they are leading us.

The first round of cuts I did back in October generated 18 programs and a total...

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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Round 2 Day 4

posted: January 22, 2010 • Categories: Slashing Spending

Today and tomorrow, I plan on closing out my second week of wasteful spending with the programs and cuts that will really confuse you. These are the pet-projects and miscellaneous spending lines that make you question why we continue to allow this type of representation.

Thursday’s Cuts:


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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Round 2 Day 3

posted: January 20, 2010 • Categories: Slashing Spending

One of the themes I’ve been trying to convey throughout the campaign is that there are tough choices that must be made with regards to our budget. These tough decisions not only will start to reduce the financial burden on taxpayers, but also create a sense of fiscal restraint that Illinois has not...

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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Round 2 Day 2

posted: January 19, 2010 • Categories: Slashing Spending

Yesterday I started my second round of presenting spending cuts in the budget to free Illinois from the financial disaster Democrats and many Republicans have placed us in. We are not in a position to continue allowing frivolous spending habits of the past few years. We must take a hard stance on...

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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Round 2 Day 1

posted: January 18, 2010 • Categories: Slashing Spending

As we draw near the primary election, the biggest concern on everyone’s mind is how the elected officials are going to fix our financial crisis across the state. Throughout my campaign, I have discussed ways to reduce our budget and return a sense of fiscal restraint to Springfield. Unlike my...

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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Day 5

posted: October 30, 2009 • Categories: Slashing Spending

Throughout this week I’ve tried to show you that by looking through the Illinois budget we can cut tons of waste. We don’t have to cut the core services or propose Draconian budgets like the Democrats constantly frighten constituents with just so they can push through tax increases. What we need is...

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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Day 4

posted: October 29, 2009 • Categories: Slashing Spending

So far I’ve listed over $42 million in programs that can be cut. Aside from the various grants that I identified yesterday, the state has put its money into many other programs that cannot be considered necessary or appropriate. Springfield could find itself spending more time addressing the real...

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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Day 3

posted: October 28, 2009 • Categories: Slashing Spending

Perhaps the reason for today’s cuts are because Illinois politicians have for years had a lapse of judgment. The state currently awards hundreds of millions of grant money to private and nonprofit institutions for various reasons. The reason I include these on our journey towards fiscal...

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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Day 2

posted: October 27, 2009 • Categories: Slashing Spending

When it comes to spending money, Illinois has spared no expense for some of its projects. Our government has been a leader in throwing money into our school systems with no results. This isn’t limited to preK-12 education either, but our state college system. There is an overwhelming need for a...

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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Day 1

posted: October 26, 2009 • Categories: Slashing Spending

We are all very aware of the difficult financial crisis Illinois currently faces, but many of us wonder how we can get out of it. Year after year the politicians in Springfield pass budgets filled with frivolous spending and unnecessary programs. While cutting the budget this year alone will not...

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