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The Doings Endorses Rivadeneira

posted: January 25, 2010 • Categories: Campaign Updates, Issues, EndorsementsComments: 0

Rivadeneira Best Choice for 41st District GOP

Five Republican candidates each hope to position themselves for a run at the 41st District seat left open when Republican Rep. Bob Biggins retires. The seat has been held by Biggins since 1993, so the opportunity is rare, indeed.

With Illinois' culture of corruption and a budget deficit hovering around the $12 billion mark, it's going to take a candidate who doesn't believe in business as usual, and we think that candidate is political newcomer Rafael Rivadeneira.

All candidates say they want to make Illinois more business-friendly, and they all say they oppose tax increases, but Rivadeneira's no-rhetoric, no-nonsense approach to Illinois politics will energize the Republican party.

He believes the state's budget problem is due to wasteful spending, and he has specifically identified $800 million in tax cuts already.

He is a strong supporter of charter schools, and will do his best to keep taxpayer dollars from going to administrators and bureaucrats. He believes school boards should be influenced by parents, not teachers' unions.

He believes Illinois can be the Silicon Valley of environmental issues and promises to take a lead in fostering growth of such businesses. Conservation issues and sustainability have been key elements of his campaign.

His opponents have the experience and they have the wherewithal to do an adequate job, but Republicans have been frustrated with the status quo. Their representatives in Springfield are not demonstrating a fiscally conservative point of view, and often they are voting along with Democrats.

Rivadeneira is part of a movement to recapture a lost conservative party.



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