issues-focused campaign, I’m excited that the time to vote is finally here. I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received—from those who've given financially, from those..." /> Time to Get Out The Vote - Rafael Rivadeneira

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Time to Get Out The Vote

posted: March 19, 2012 • Categories: Campaign UpdatesComments: 0

After an energizing and issues-focused campaign, I’m excited that the time to vote is finally here. I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received—from those who've given financially, from those who’ve given their time, and from those who’ve given their thoughts and prayers. All of it has meant so much.

But ultimately, in any campaign, it all comes down to votes. Tomorrow, more than anything else, I need your vote. I need you to carve out the time in your busy day to head to your polling station, ask for a Republican ballot and vote for me. You will have the opportunity to vote for up to 3 out of 8 candidates for County Board-District 2. You may vote for 3. But you are not obligated to. If you don’t know the other candidates or they don’t align with your beliefs, you can choose to vote for only 1 or 2 of the candidates you feel strongest about.

Also, I ask that you reach out to friends, neighbors, family members—and even beyond your immediate circle—and encourage others to vote. You might do that by simply forwarding this email to 5 or 10 others in District 2.

Tomorrow the “machine” politicians will have their voters—people whose jobs or livelihoods depend on keeping certain people in office. This will especially be the case since politicians have gotten wind that the people aren’t exactly thrilled with the lucrative pension and benefit packages they pay themselves [VIDEO]. They will be bringing in voters to vote to keep themselves in the money.

If you’d like to see that changed, if you’d like to vote to keep yourselves in the money—so that you can save, spend or give it as you see fit—please vote for me tomorrow.

Thank for your continued support, prayers, and votes.

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