Rafael News
Eagle Forum of Illinois Endorses Rivadeneira
posted: January 11, 2010 • Categories: Campaign Updates, Issues, Endorsements • Comments: 0
ELMHURST, IL – Rafael Rivadeneira, the conservative candidate for Illinois House District 41, received the endorsement from Eagle Forum, pro-life/pro-family group is headed by former Ill. State Rep. Penny Pullen.
“Various Eagle Forum leaders in our state have examined the credentials and positions of the candidates seeking this nomination,” Pullen said. “It was not an easy choice, but we believe Rafael Rivadeneira could best be counted on by families in the 41st District to champion their interests. We salute his outspoken opposition to tax increases as well as his firm commitment to the right to life and to protecting parental rights.
Pullen added that “voters can trust Rafael Rivadeneira, and we wish him well in the Feb. 2 GOP primary.”
Rivadeneira was grateful for the endorsement of Eagle Forum. He said he was honored to be recognized as a standard-bearer of the pro-family movement in Illinois, as well as a fighter against unfair taxation.
“I am the only candidate in the race for the 41st that is 100 percent pro-life. As a state representative I will continue to fight for the rights of the unborn. We need to create a culture that cares for and supports mothers in the midst of difficult pregnancies and who have babies under challenging circumstances. Being Pro-Life isn't only about protecting the unborn, but about protecting and celebrating lives at any stage," Rivadeneira said.
Rivadeneira also received endorsements from Illinois Federation for Right to Life, Tax Accountability, the political action arm of National Taxpayers United of Illinois and Illinois Conservatives.
Rivadeneira is president of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA) of Illinois and is the immediate past president and founder of the DuPage County chapter of the RNHA. An elected precinct committeeman in York Township, he is actively involved in the York Township Republican Committeemen’s Organization, the DuPage Young Republicans and the Illinois Republican Party.
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