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State Senate Appointment Update

posted: November 18, 2010 • Categories: Campaign Updates

A decision could come as early as next week, please pass this along to your friends and family and urge them to call, email and/or sign the petition below.

When friends called a couple of weeks ago, to urge me to put my name forward for appointment to the soon-to-be-vacated 21st District State...

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Rivadeneira Seeks Appointment to Illinois’ 21st State Senate Seat

posted: November 09, 2010 • Categories: Personal

To the residents of Illinois’ 21st State Senate District:

At the urging of my supporters from DuPage and Cook counties and even across the state, I have decided to ask to be appointed to the State Senate seat that Senator Dan Cronin will vacate when he takes on his new role as Chair of the DuPage...

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10 Ways Anyone of Hispanic Heritage Could Be a Republican

posted: August 13, 2010 • Categories: Personal

An Open Letter to Sen. Reid

Dear Sen. Harry Reid:

You say you would like to know "how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican." Allow me to be of assistance. Below are “10 Ways Anyone of Hispanic Heritage Could Be a Republican.”

Uno: A Hispanic could believe that this country offers more...

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What’s A State To Do?

posted: April 28, 2010 • Categories: Personal

For almost a week now, I’ve watched and listened to the criticisms of and threatened boycotts of Arizona. I’ve seen the Left go nuts, the Hispanic media go nuts, and frankly, I’m left feeling like I’m going a little nuts. Albeit for a totally different reason: namely, because I think all these...

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Perhaps They’ll Hear Us Come November

posted: March 21, 2010 • Categories: Personal

Turns out, yes he can. President Obama has shown the country that yes, he can do the secret backroom deals and kickbacks that he promised to eschew. That yes, he can confuse and complicate a process and fog it over with last-minute “emotional pleas.” Yes, he can force Americans to buy a product....

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Thank You and Congratulations

posted: February 03, 2010 • Categories: Campaign Updates

While I’m disappointed that we lost yesterday’s primary, I was so blessed by the support, encouragement and prayers I received throughout the campaign that I feel great. So many of you gave so much to this campaign, and I’m humbled and grateful. Thank you.

I also want to congratulate my friend...

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The Doings Endorses Rivadeneira

posted: January 25, 2010 • Categories: Campaign Updates, Issues, Endorsements

Rivadeneira Best Choice for 41st District GOP

Five Republican candidates each hope to position themselves for a run at the 41st District seat left open when Republican Rep. Bob Biggins retires. The seat has been held by Biggins since 1993, so the opportunity is rare, indeed.

With Illinois' culture...

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Slashing Spending and Shrinking the Budget Round 2 Day 5

posted: January 22, 2010 • Categories: Slashing Spending

While we’ve had some fun presenting you with the wasteful spending habits of the current members of our legislature, more importantly we’ve had our eyes opened even more towards the dangerous road they are leading us.

The first round of cuts I did back in October generated 18 programs and a total...

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“Us Against the Establishment”

posted: January 22, 2010 • Categories: Campaign Updates

Last night, the people of Massachusetts showed the Democratic Establishment that no one can take their votes for granted. On February 2, the people of the 41 District can tell our DuPage Republican Establishment the same thing.

This election is about the people of the 41st District saying “No...

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The Cost of Establishment Endorsements

posted: January 22, 2010 • Categories: Campaign Updates

Yesterday I got an email from a man who attended Sunday’s League of Women Voters’ forum at Elmhurst City Hall. He told me he liked my bold policies but also appreciated that I was willing to run against the Establishment Republicans.

I hear this a lot as I knock on doors and chat with voters. It...

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